It’s Not Common Cent$: A 30-Day Personal Finance Crash Course for College Students and Young Adults by Aaminah Amin

As a millennial – and every generation after – it’s near impossible to have a straight talk about our finances. We didn’t get much training, and we’ve been hit by one life-changing event after another. It feels like they’re happening every day. So what are we to do? Amin makes…

You Suck: A Love Story by Christopher Moore

The reviewer shares their experience with Christopher Moore’s novels, particularly “A Dirty Job” and “You Suck: A Love Story.” They appreciate Moore’s irreverent tone, relatable characters, and seamless world-building in a fantastical San Francisco. The novels are engaging, embrace absurdity, and don’t require prior knowledge of earlier books in the series.

Lady Be Good: The Life and Times of Dorothy Hale by Pamela Hamilton

I thought the book was well-written, but I wasn’t impressed by the pace of its events. I get that this was a fictional telling of a real woman’s life, presented as such from the beginning. However, it was hard for me to keep the details straight. I couldn’t quite place…

Let Me Tell You: New Stories, Essays, and Other Writings by Shirley Jackson

The author reflects on their fascination with stories about families and finds a connection in Shirley Jackson’s “Let Me Tell You.” Despite coming from a military family, the author identifies with universal family dynamics depicted in Jackson’s work, appreciating how mundane family life influences her writing. They enjoyed the book’s insight into Jackson’s creative process.