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Feature your website of choice on Writeropolis Media, Athena in Progress, Write On Web Hosting, and Wink. Coming soon!

Continue scrolling to see the available options.

Podcast Ads

I have four options available for purchase! Prices are charged per episode; you can purchase as many ads as you like. I will space them out as needed. More options will become available if I receive interesting inquiries.

Link back

Purchase a link to a single URL in the show notes of an upcoming episode of Raconteuse Radio on SoundCloud and the accompanying promotional blog post on Writeropolis Media.

gold condenser microphone near laptop computer
Photo by Seej Nguyen on
microphone on stand
Photo by Katrien Grevendonck on


I will read a 30- to 60-second advertisement of your choice before the outro of a single episode. The show notes on SoundCloud and the accompanying post on the Raconteuse Radio website will include a link to your selected site.

Bonus: Your ad will appear in the next edition of the Belles-lettres newsletter after your ad airs!


I will read a 30 to 60-second advertisement of your choice during one episode. The show notes on SoundCloud and the corresponding post on the Raconteuse Radio website will include a link to your selected site.

Bonus: Your ad will also appear in the next edition of the Belles-lettres newsletter after your ad airs!

shallow focus photography of black microphone
Photo by Pixabay on
close up photography of microphone
Photo by Suvan Chowdhury on


I will read a 30 to 60-second advertisement of your choice before introducing a single episode. The show notes on SoundCloud and the accompanying post on the Raconteuse Radio website will include a link to your selected site.

Bonus: Your ad will also appear in the next edition of the Belles-lettres newsletter after your ad airs!

Note: At Writeropolis Media, we believe in staying true to our values. Because of this, we carefully select the content we accept, ensuring it aligns with our mission and vision. We appreciate the efforts of all potential supporters, but we may not be able to feature content from those whose values don’t resonate with ours. Feel free to reach out to discuss this further. Thank you for understanding!

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